January 20, 2025 is inauguration day. Celebrating a new president is not on my schedule for that day.
January 20, 2025 is also a national holiday honoring a man I admire greatly, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I do plan to celebrate his life and works.
January 20, 2025 is also a day when flags would normally fly at half-staff in memory of another man I admire, former president Jimmy Carter. Flags are going to be raised, prematurely, on that one day to full staff for the inauguration of the president. I will continue my honoring of the former president. If I had a flag (I don’t) it would remain at half-staff.
MLK, Jr. did more than anyone else to inspire me to care deeply about civil rights. There are almost no words to express my respect for his legacy. He is a towering example of the kind of positive activism we so sorely lack in our country today. A “day of service” on his holiday is a fitting honor to him.

Most people know Jimmy Carter as an ex-president. For me, he was my governor when I lived in Georgia. He succeeded one of the most racist public officials of those times - Lester Maddox. Carter was a champion of civil rights in Georgia. He was also best known for his dedication to service to others.
Marilyn G
Staunton, VA